Interior Design

Give your vacation home a bespoke makeover to earn more.

“Tailored fees for a contemporary design ”

Let us custom design your home. We can help you furnish your property specifically to attract short-term vacation rental guests. We believe investing in great design will help your home earn more. We also offer the option to deduct the cost from your monthly statements. The average you can get 15% higher rent, 30% more revenue per available night, 20% more nights booked with a purpose designed and photographed home.

Stay competitive and improve earning

Guests’ expectations and desires are a perfect backdrop for their vacation photos.

You don’t have to make a large investment with our strategic approach to see a solid return. First, we’ll evaluate your home’s photography guest reviews; based on data available. We will identify the most significant areas of opportunity and work with you to develop a design strategy and budget.

Design Consultation

We offer you guidance based on data available to curate a plan regarding the design intent of your home. Cost $150

Collaborate with our experts for curated design delivery. We'll share ideas and help you, whether you're just getting started or seeking an expert opinion on final decisions before completing home upgrades on your own.

  • 60-minute virtual design consultation.

  • Home-specific design intends on upgrade finishes, paint colors, or conceal tricky architectural elements, cost-sensitive upgrades.

  • Layout improvement advice

  • Design direction and recommendations

  • Tips and tricks to deliver improvement to suit boutique living experience

  • Staging advice, decoration and look & fill

  • Designed so the homeowner can implement recommendations, step by step support from our team giving hands-on help.

Curated Design

Substantial curated design, targeting chic living. Design intent, planning, project management. Cost $500-1500

All-inclusive design we will work with you on design intent to create bespoke living spaces. Through a virtual process, we'll define design, set a budget, share visual concepts and project manage the details, installation.

  • Bespoke design plan, tailored to your needs. Inclusive of all furnishings, décor, linens

  • 3 weeks of design collaboration

  • Full procumbent of design, including purchasing and coordinating all shipping and storage

  • Design project managment: conceptual visual mood boards